Concentration, functional inequalities, and isoperimetry : International Workshop on Concentration, Functional Inequalities, and Isoperimetry, October 29November 1, 2009, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2011 - 1 online resource (vii, 211 p. : ill.) - Contemporary mathematics v. 545 10983627 .

Includes bibliographical references.

COH formula and Dirichlet Laplacians on small domains of pinned path spaces ; Maximal characterization of HardySobolev spaces on manifolds ; On Milman's ellipsoids and Shigeki Aida ; N Badr and G Dafni ; Sergey G Bobkov ; Sergey Bobkov Mokshay Madiman and Liyao Wang ; Ronen Eldan and Bo'az Klartag ; Ohad N Feldheim and Sasha Sodin ; A Figalli ; Rupert L Frank and Elliott H Lieb ; A Giannopoulos G Paouris and P Valettas ; Alexander V Kolesnikov and Roman I Zhdanov ; Michel Ledoux ; Joaquim Martin and Mario Milman ; Emanuel Milman ; Frank Morgan

9780821882245 (online)

Convexity spaces
Functional analysis
Isoperimetric inequalities
Real functions Inequalities Inequalities involving derivatives and differential and integral operators
Several complex variables and analytic spaces Geometric convexity Analytical consequences of geometric convexity (vanishing theorems, etc)