Stochastic analysis and partial differential equations : Emphasis Year 20042005 on Stochastic Analysis and Partial Differential equations, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2007 - 1 online resource (viii, 278 p. : ill.) - Contemporary mathematics v. 429 10983627 .

Includes bibliographical references.

Construction of suitable weak solutions of the NavierStokes equations ; Error estimates for finite differencequadrature schemes for a class of nonlocal Bellman equations with variable diffusion ; Recent progress in the stochastic analysis of turbulent mixing ; Modified KellerSegel system and critical mass for the log interaction kernel ; Entropy solutions to conservation laws with discontinuous fluxes via microscopic interacting particle systems ; Spectral properties of subordinate processes in domains ; Smoluchowski NavierStokes systems ; Recent developments in stochastic differential equations ; Heat equations on manifolds and Bismut's formula ; On a class of onedimensional Markov processes with continuous paths ; Prototype hybrid couplings of macroscopic deterministic models and microscopic stochastic lattice dynamics ; Homogenization of stochastic HamiltonJacobi equations: brief review of methods and applications ; General relative entropy in a nonlinear McKendrick model ; Pointwise Fourier inversion in analysis and geometry ; Stochastic analysis and the KdV equation ; On binary fluid mixtures Andrei Biryuk Walter Craig and Slim Ibrahim ; Imran H Biswas Espen R Jakobsen and Kenneth H Karlsen ; Wurigen Bo Baolian Cheng Jian Du Brian Fix Erwin George James Glimm John W Grove Xicheng Jia Hyeonseong Jin Hyunsun Lee Yuanhua Li Xiaolin Li Xinfeng Liu David H Sharp Lingling Wu and Yan Yu ; Vincent Calvez Benoit Perthame and Mohsen Sharifi tabar ; GuiQiang Chen Nadine Even and Christian Klingenberg ; ZhenQing Chen and Renming Song ; Peter Constantin ; Shizan Fang ; Elton P Hsu ; Nobuyuki Ikeda and Yukio Ogura ; M A Katsoulakis A J Majda and A Sopasakis ; Elena Kosygina ; P Michel ; Mark A Pinsky ; Setsuo Taniguchi ; Konstantina Trivisa

9780821881088 (online)

Partial differential operators
Stochastic analysis